The text in the description has been translated from Japanese by a machine translator and may contain inaccuracies.
Yamaha YFR27EX. This is a very popular boat type. The current boat is currently stored on land and the hull and deck are shiny. The interior is in very good condition with special window covers installed. The decals on the sides have been removed while polishing, but the exterior looks clean. She is equipped with a spanker, outriggers, and an aft station and is ready to go fishing. The cabin has a custom made aft cover and shows virtually no UV deterioration. A GPS fish finder for the aft station is located above the rear door, which is useful when fishing alone. The cabin is dry and no moisture can be felt. There are no stains or deterioration on the various seats, and the bow cushion still has the vinyl from the new boat. There is a GPS fish finder, radar, autopilot with radio remote control, radio, etc. installed in front of the steering wheel. All are in actual working order, so extra expenses will be kept to a minimum after purchase. It is equipped with a private marine toilet and is perfect for families. The engine is a Yamaha 4-stroke 250 hp with 960 hrs. We did not check the start-up on the day of the interview, so please do so when you visit. The inside of the cowl is clean with no squirts, rust, or oil stains.